Among Pledges 1 Billion Shillings for Nsambya Cancer Unit, Injects Muhoozi into Donation

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Among Pledges 1 Billion Shillings for Nsambya Cancer Unit, Injects Muhoozi into Donation
Speaker Anita Among

Parliamentary Support for Cancer Treatment

Hon. Anite Among, a Ugandan Member of Parliament, has pledged a significant contribution towards improving cancer treatment facilities. She announced a 1 billion Ugandan Shilling donation for the construction of radiation bunkers at Nsambya Hospital's cancer unit.

An Unholy Trinity?

Amongis announcement included an unorthodox framing device. Referencing the Holy Trinity (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit) of Catholicism, she stated the donation comes from "the Parliament of Uganda, HE Yoweri Kaguta Museveni (President), and the son; Gen. Muhoozi Kainerugaba." This has raised eyebrows, with some questioning the inclusion of the President's son in the equation.

Confirmation from "Younger Brother"

Among clarified Muhoozi's involvement, calling him her "younger brother" and stating he confirmed his support for the project "on behalf of the Father" (presumably President Museveni).

Complementing Government Efforts

Beyond the controversy surrounding Muhoozi, Amongi emphasized the donation's purpose. It aims to alleviate congestion at other Ugandan cancer treatment facilities and complement the government's existing efforts in this area.

Reaction and Repercussions

The inclusion of Muhoozi, a controversial figure in Ugandan politics, is likely to spark debate. Whether this unorthodox approach enhances or hinders the fundraising efforts remains to be seen.

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